EPEC Activities
The EPEC Working Groups organise a range of activities to support Early Career researchers and space professionals in the planetary community.
EPEC ongoing activities
EPEC annual activities:
Stairway to Space
A podcast by the Europlanet Early Career network — A podcast that aims to amplify our voice around the planet to reach other early careers, with the same goals, the same interests, and the same needs for scientific development. Listeners can expect a mix of interviews with guests, reports on events, updates on the recent activity of the EPEC working groups and coverage of projects supported by the Europlanet Society.
We are talking about Postdoc life. The aim is to help PhD students interested in starting their career in academia have a clear vision of a Postdoc position. You will listen to some of our personal experiences as postdocs in different parts of the world.
EPEC website: https://www.europlanet.org/early-careers-network/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/epec.epn
Twitter: https://twitter.com/epec_epn
Episode presentation: S. Tanbakouei, Iris van Zelst, Ines Belgacem, Solmaz Adeli
Production team: I. Di Pietro, F. Karakostas, E. Luzzi, M. Mirino, J.E. Silva, S. Tanbakouei, G. Tognon, J. Dias
© Europlanet Society 2023
EPEC Profiles
Academia or Industry? Interviews
Academia or industry? This is no doubt one of the topics that occupies the minds of early career scientists. The EPEC Future Research Working Group has been on a quest to gather some insights from people who has had success in the both sectors.
Inspiring Stories
The EPEC Outreach Working Group publishes a monthly series of “Inspiring Stories”. Every story will work as a case study and will act as an effort to inspire and motivate others to do outreach activities!
Motivational Journeys
‘Motivational Journeys’ is a monthly series of video interviews brought to you by the EPEC Diversity Working Group. Experienced scientists from various backgrounds ashare personal stories about their early days, their motivation and how they got through tough times successfully.
Voyage 2050 Viewpoints
The EPEC Future Research Working Group talked with 3 early career planetary science researchers who are lead authors on these white papers to find out more about how they got involved and what they think planetary science will look like in 2050. We hope that their insight will also prove useful to any early-career researchers looking to get involved with NASA’s Planetary Science and Astrobiology Decadal Survey 2023-2032.
EPEC Annual Week
The EPEC Annual Week is an opportunity for the EPEC community to better get to know each other, to brainstorm on how to further develop the network in terms of the activities of its working groups and to enhance the interaction with members of the Europlanet Executive Board, who will be invited to give talks throughout the week. The school brings together young scientists from all EU countries and provides a networking platform where science discussion and collaboration are stimulated via a series of group activities. More about EPEC Annual Week.
EPEC@ESPC supports young researchers attending the Europlanet Science Congress (EPSC), ensuring that they find their way through this big meeting and that the conference programme is attractive to them. EPEC@EPSC activities include an EPEC Booth, a mentoring programme, a jobs-board, short courses and training sessions, social events, challenges and competitions. More about EPEC@EPSC in Berlin at EPSC2024.
EPEC-EPSC #PlanetaryScience4All video contest
The Europlanet Early Career (EPEC) Communication working group is giving all PhD, Master’s and Bachelor’s students involved in planetary science the opportunity to showcase their research through a 4-minute video contest called #PlanetaryScience4All.
The deadline for submissions is 31 August 2022. All the videos submitted will be shown during the Europlanet Science Congress (EPSC) 2022, which is being held in Granada, Spain from 18-24 September 2022. The winner will be announced at the end of the virtual conference. Find out more.