Community Support, Dissemination and Engagement with Stakeholders (NA1)
Europlanet 2024 RI aims to develop an inclusive and culturally-diverse environment and a community that embraces cross-scientific and -cultural communication and industry-academia partnerships.
Its main networking activity (NA1) is structured around a series of tasks, each directed towards a specific stakeholder/audience:
Industry (Task 11.2) aims to build and support an active network of industry interested in working with the planetary community and using the RI services. Two Industry Officers, one from the upstream technology sector (BSSL) and one from downstream services (ACRI-ST), are working to identify key research groups, build closer links with industry associations, such as Eurospace, and validate and maintain Europlanet’s database of EU space sector companies relevant to planetary science. Task Leader: Marcell Tessenyi (BSSL), Deputy: Jeronimo Bernard-Salas (ACRI-ST). Team: Yoga Barrathwaj Raman Mohan (BSSL).
Widening Participation (Task 11.3) aims to support and develop capacity within communities and states that are currently under-represented in planetary science. The Widening Participation Officer is working to proactively raise awareness and facilitate cooperation with individuals and institutions from under-represented countries through workshops and meetings. Task Leader: Andrea Opitz (Wigner). Team: Máté Tomasik (Wigner), András Illyés (Wigner)
Global Collaboration & Integration Development (Task 11.4) is establishing a network of “Europlanet Ambassadors” to promote European planetary science globally, and generate international collaborations and networks through training workshops, meetings and conferences at national and international levels. This task is also scoping out and piloting a reciprocal and sustainable transnational access programme with Asian partners in China and Korea. Task Leader: Barbara Cavalazzi (U. Bologna).
Expert Exchanges (Task 11.5) mobilise the community to share expertise and best practice and to prepare new facilities and data services for integration into Europlanet’s research infrastructure in the future. Task Leader: Maria Genzer (FMI). Deputy: Harri Haukka (FMI).
Early Careers Training and Education (Task 11.6) organises summer schools and workshops to train early career professionals as the next generation of research infrastructure users and leaders in the community. It works closely with Europlanet Society’s Early Career network, EPEC, to support the EPEC Annual Week. It is responsible for the Europlanet Mentorship Platform. Task Leaders: Günter Kargl (IWF-OEAW), Manuel Scherf (IWF-OEAW), Grazina Tautvaisiene (Vilnius University). Mentoring and Early Careers Portal: Edita Stonkute (Vilnius University).
Media Centre (Task 11.7) promotes the scientific, societal and socioeconomic impact of the Europlanet 2024 RI project through the international media and social media, and enhance multi-lingual dissemination channels through national and local support from the Europlanet Society’s Regional Hubs. Task Leader: Anita Heward (DFET). Social Media: Luca Nardi (DFET), James McKevitt (DFET), Helen Usher (DFET). Media, press office and Europlanet Magazine: Thibaut Roger (DFET).
Policy Engagement (Task 11.8) supports evidence-based policy making by informing and engaging policy makers with the scientific, industrial and socio-economic impacts of planetary science, both at a European and a regional/national level. The Europlanet 2024 RI policy team also ensures the planetary science community is aware of political developments and takes an active role in engaging with policy makers.
Outreach and inspiration (Task 11.9) is working to cascade outreach and engagement expertise through the planetary community. The Education Officer supports Europlanet 2024 RI activities and the Europlanet Society’s Regional Hubs to develop planetary-related educational resources that are relevant to curricula and easy to use in the classroom. Europlanet supports the planetary community in developing projects to engage the public, teachers and schools with planetary science. Europlanet is capitalising on the highly visual nature of project outputs by distributing self-build “Planets in a Room” spherical projectors to Hubs, amateur groups and key outreach partners, and developing new materials for public and school engagement. Task Leaders: Jose Antonio Gordillo Martorell (Norrbottens Museum), Paul Roche (DFET/Cardiff University), Grazina Tautvaisiene (Vilnius University). Education Resources: Tony Thompson (DFET), Seda Ozdemir-Fritz (DFET). Planets in a Room: Livia Giacomini (INAF) and Federica Duras (INAF). Virtual Exhibition: Sara Russell (NHM), Pete Grindrod (NHM).
NA1 Work Package Leader: Anita Heward, University of Kent/DFET/Europlanet Society.
The Europlanet 2024 RI Work Package “Community Support, Dissemination and Engagement with Stakeholders” (NA1) is led by the University of Kent with input from Blue Skies Space Ltd, ACRI-ST, Wigner, IWF-OEAW, University of Bologna, FMI, Dill Faulkes Educational Trust, European Institute for Law, Science & Technology, Norrbottens Museum, University of Vilnius, INAF and the European Science Foundation.
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