Europlanet Telescope Network

Europlanet Telescope Network

**Europlanet Telescope Network – Rolling call for submissions is currently closed.**

Ground-based observations play a significant role in the study of planets, asteroids and comets. Many planetary science targets are relatively nearby and bright compared to other astronomical targets, but the scientific outcome of their observation requires either long-term monitoring (e.g., atmospheric activity of solar system planets) or very precise timing (e.g. asteroids and comets). This combination of characteristics produces a unique set of challenges, as it matters both where on the Earth one observes from and precisely when. However, relatively small telescopes can produce first-rate science.

The Europlanet Telescope Network organises the cooperation of a network of small telescopes to facilitate and coordinate observation campaigns related to different planetary science topics. It will alert appropriate facilities of opportunities, and ensure that suitably trained observers are available.

Details about future opportunities will be published here soon.

Find out more about the activities of the Europlanet Telescope Network funded through the Europlanet 2024 Research Infrastructure project (2020-2024).

Europlanet Telescope Network Events

Publications resulting from the Europlanet Telescope Network