Networking Activities

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Networking Activities (NA)

Europlanet 2024 RI organises training sessions, workshops and services to support community. There are two Networking Activities.

NA1- Communities support, Dissemination and Engagement Activities are focused on:

NA2 – Coordination of Ground-based Observations

NA1 Workshops

NA2 Workshops

Back to Europlanet 2024 RI homepage.

Spain-Portugal Hub Homeplate

The Europlanet Spain & Portugal Regional Hub

The Europlanet Spain & Portugal Regional Hub, is the Iberian node of Europlanet.

Its main objective is to support the Spanish and Portuguese planetary science community, with >400 planetary researchers and engineers, promoting the collaboration between all scientific and technology development institutions, private industries and space agencies, reinforcing the participation of Iberian scientists and engineers in national and international space research programmes.

For more information, visit:

Switzerland Hub Homeplate

The Europlanet Switzerland Regional Hub

The Europlanet Switzerland Regional Hub was established in 2019 to promote planetary science and related fields for the benefit of the Swiss and wider European community, within Europlanet.

Contact Thibaut Roger at to get involved.

Southeast Europe Hub Homeplate

The Europlanet Southeast Europe Regional Hub

The Europlanet Southeast Europe Regional Hub was established in 2018 to promote planetary science and related fields for the benefit of the scientific communities of Albania, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Kosovo, North Macedonia, Montenegro, Romania, and Serbia, and wider European community, within Europlanet.

Members of the Committee of the Southeast Europe Hub are:

  • Chair: Nick Sergis (Hellenic Space Center)
  • Advisor: Ioannis Daglis (Hellenic Space Center)
  • Vice-Chairs: Anezina Solomonidou (Hellenic space Center), Veneta Guineva (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences), Constantinos Constantinou (University of Cyprus), Giuli Verbanac (University of Zagreb), Dan Alin Nedelcu (Romanian Academy of Sciences), Aleksandra Nina (University of Belgrade)
  • Early Career Officer: Christos Katsavrias (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens)
  • Diversity Officer: Marina Molla (9th Elementary School, Komotini)
  • Industry Officer: Ingmar Sandberg (Space Applications & Research Consultancy)
  • Policy Officer: Eleni Chatzichristou (European Institute of Law, Science and Technology)
  • Outreach Officer: Nantia Motsouroufi (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens)
  • Amateur Astronomy Contact: Manos Kardasis (Hellenic Amateur Astronomy Association).


For more information, please visit the Southeast Europe Hub website.

Germany Hub Homeplate

The Europlanet Germany Regional Hub

The Europlanet Germany Regional Hub was established in 2019 to promote planetary science and related fields for the benefit of the German and wider European community within Europlanet.

Chair: Carlos Brandt (EGI Foundation)

Vice Chair: Vacant

Secretary: Vacant

Outreach Officer: Nimisha Verma (DLR)

EPEC Officer: Thomas O’Sullivan (Freie Universität Berlin)

Hub Website Officer: Vacant

Industry Officer: Vacant

Diversity Officer: Oguzcan Karagoz (Universität Freiburg)

Policy Officer: Vacant

If you are interested in becoming involved, please contact the Germany Hub Chair, Carlos Brandt, on the form below.

France Hub Homeplate

The Europlanet France Regional Hub

The Europlanet France Regional Hub was established in 2019 to promote planetary science and related fields for the benefit of the French and wider European community within Europlanet.

Members of the Committee of the France Hub are:

  • Chair: Susan Conway (CNRS LPG Nantes)
  • Secretary: Gabriel Tobie (CNRS LPG Nantes)
  • Diversity Officer: Léa Bonnefoy (Cornell)
  • Media Officer: Stephanie Beaunay (CNRS LPG Nantes)
  • Outreach Officer: Raphael Peralta (CEA Paris-Saclay, Spacebus)
  • Media: Stéphanie Beaunay (CNRS LPG Nantes)
  • Industry Officer: Jeronimo Bernard-Salas (ACRI-ST), Nick Cox (ACRI-ST)
  • Early Career Officer: Maélie Coutelier (Latmos)
  • Website: Ines Belgacem (JPL)
  • PNP Relations Officer: Pierre Henri (LPC2E, Orléans / Lagrange, Nice)
  • Amateur Astronomy Officer: Open
  • Special Portfolio: Baptiste Cecconi (Obs Paris)
  • Special Portfolio: Jean Pierre LeBreton (CNRS Orleans)
  • EC Liaison: Lora Jovanovic (JPL)


Benelux Homeplate

The Europlanet Benelux Regional Hub

The Europlanet Benelux Regional Hub was established in 2019 to promote planetary science and related fields for the benefit of the Belgian, Dutch, Luxembourg and wider European communities within Europlanet.

Members of the Committee of the Benelux Hub are:

  • Responsible Lux: Dennis Harries
  • Responsible Be: Séverine Robert
  • Responsible NL: vacant
  • Early Career Officer Be: Fleur Seuren
  • Early Career Officer NL: Zeina Naim, Lara Maldanis and Annemiek Waajen
  • Diversity Officer: Arianna Piccialli
  • Outreach Officer: Stijn Calders
  • Industry Officers: Monica Sanchez-Roman (NL) and Didier Moreau (Be)
  • Policy Officer: Eleni Chatzichristou


For more information, visit the Benelux Hub website.

Ireland-UK Homeplate

The Europlanet Ireland & UK Regional Hub

The Europlanet Ireland & UK Regional Hub was established in 2019 to promote planetary science and related fields for the benefit of the Irish, UK and wider European community, within Europlanet.

Members of the Committee of the Ireland & UK Hub are:

  • Interim Chair: Jack Wright (Open University)
  • Vice Chair: Chrysa Avdellidou (University of Leicester)
  • Secretary: TBD
  • Outreach Officer: Lewis Dartnell (Westminster University)
  • EPEC Officer: Connor Hoad (Royal Holloway University of London) and Lee White (Open University)
  • Hub Website Officer: Joe McNeil (Natural History Museum)
  • Industry Officer: TBD
  • Diversity Officer: TBD
  • Policy Officer: TBD


Ireland-UK Hub Meetings

The Ireland-UK Hub supported the British Planetary Science Congress (BPSC) 2024 in Leicester. Find out more.

Find out more about previous Ireland-UK Hub Meetings.

Europlanet Research Infrastructure Meeting (ERIM) 2023

Europlanet Research Infrastructure Meeting (ERIM) 2023 and EPEC Annual Week

The first Europlanet Research Infrastructure Meeting (ERIM), co-hosted with the fifth Europlanet Early Career Network (EPEC) Annual Week, took place from 19-23 June 2023 in hybrid format at the Hotel Sorea in Bratislava, Slovakia, and online. 137 participants joined us for the meeting in Bratislava, with a further 94 following the meeting online. Of these, 45 participated in the hybrid EPEC Annual Week training school.>

Image credit: E. Polischuk (CC BY-SA 4.0)

ERIM 2023 brought together a range of planetary science and Europlanet community workshops, including interactive sessions on geological mapping, planetary space weather, the Europlanet Telescope Network, industry engagement, innovations in outreach tools.

The Europlanet Early Career (EPEC) Annual Week was co-hosted with ERIM, along with Europlanet Society meetings of the Regional Hubs and the Europlanet General Assembly to promote

Download ERIM2023 Logo Packs: Print | Digital

ERIM 2023

Europlanet Homeplate

About Europlanet

Europlanet promotes the advancement of European planetary science and related fields for the benefit of the community and is open to individual and organisational members. Anyone with an active interest in planetary science (whether academic or industrial, professional or amateur) is welcome to join.

Our Aims:

  • To expand and support a diverse and inclusive planetary community across Europe through the activities of our 10 Regional Hubs.
  • To build the profile of our sector through stakeholder engagement (including public, media, policy and industry) and education activities.
  • To underpin the key role Europe plays in planetary science through developing links at a national and international level.

Europlanet is the parent body of the annual Europlanet Science Congress (EPSC) the largest annual meeting on planetary science in Europe. 

Europlanet builds on the heritage of 20 years of Europlanet projects funded by the European Commission and provides a sustainable legacy for infrastructure, virtual access facilities, tools and services developed through these activities.

Launched in September 2018, the Europlanet Society is governed by an elected Executive Board and its activities are supported by Committees and Working Groups drawn from its membership.

Europlanet Membership Benefits and Fees

Find out about the benefits and fees when joining as an:

If you would like to find out more about joining Europlanet, please contact us.

The launch of the Europlanet Society at EPSC2018. Credit: L Giacomini
Members of the Europlanet Society gathered for the General Assembly.
Members of the Europlanet Society gathered for the General Assembly at EPSC2022. Credit: Europlanet/T Roger.

Report on Society Activities (presented at EPSC2022)

Find out more information in our brochure:

Go to Join the Europlanet Society

Europlanet Regional Hubs

Europlanet Regional Hubs

The Europlanet Regional Hubs support the development of planetary science at a national and regional level, particularly in countries and areas that are currently under-represented within the community.

Our Hub Committees organise networking events and workshops to support the research community, as well as to build links with amateur astronomers, industrial partners, policymakers, educators, the media and the wider public. Europlanet Society members are welcome to participate in the activities of one or more Hubs.

The 10 Regional Hubs established to date are:

Back to About Europlanet

Europlanet Early Career Network (EPEC)

Europlanet Early Career (EPEC) Network

The Europlanet Early Career (EPEC) network is organised by early-career researchers, for early-career researchers, and includes volunteers from across the Europlanet international community. The EPEC network is open to all students, doctoral candidates and early-career planetary scientists and space professionals whose last degree (e.g. MSc or PhD) was obtained a maximum of 7 years ago (excluding parental leave, serious illness and similar delays).

One of the main objectives of EPEC is to form a strong network between young professionals by organising early-career-relevant events and by engaging in different projects amongst the different working groups (see website for more details on working groups). Furthermore, the EPEC community aims to bring a young voice into Europlanet Society to shape the future of planetary and space sciences and engineering.

EPEC was officially launched during EPSC 2017 in Riga.

Check out the latest EPEC news and activities.

Get involved with EPEC!

The EPEC Committee and the nine EPEC Working Groups are constantly looking for interested early-career professionals who are willing to spend some of their academic time with the organising elements of various EPEC activities. By getting involved with the EPEC Committee or one of the Working Groups, you not only get a chance to build a diverse professional network across Europe and abroad, but also build important soft-skills such as leadership qualities and management experience by working with a very friendly and energetic community. 

You can also get involved in EPEC via the Early-Career Officers of your Europlanet Society Regional Hub.

For any questions and enquiries, and interest to join us in building a stronger early career network, please contact

Upcoming events

See EPEC News.

EPEC Newsletter

If you would like to receive news (e.g., about the annual EPEC week or the next activities planned at EPSC), sign into your Europlanet account (the account is free) and toggle the Early Career (EPEC) option in the Subscriptions tab. We will not spam you with mails but send only relevant information regarding signups to major events and activities (co-)organized by EPEC.

EPEC Logos

Download the EPEC logo pack.

Central Europe Homeplate

The Europlanet Central Europe Regional Hub

Hello, Central European space scientists, space engineers, amateurs, teachers and students!

We are a group of volunteers from Central European countries coming together regularly through telecons and brainstorming about possible activities that could promote Central European space research. We are organising workshops and networking events in order to connect industry and academia, to help early-career scientists and promote outreach.

The member states of Europlanet’s Central European Hub include Austria, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia.

Don’t hesitate to join our hub by becoming a member of Europlanet → Here.

For inquiries: send an email to:

You can also follow us on twitter!

Central Europe Hub Committee

At the Europlanet Central Europe Hub, we are looking for:

  • An Austrian representative
  • A Slovenian representative
  • An industry officer

Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity

Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity

Europlanet Society Statement on Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity

The Europlanet Society is committed to building a diverse, inclusive planetary science community in Europe and to ensuring that individuals within that community experience equal opportunity, regardless of gender, disability, ethnic origin, religion or belief, sexual orientation, marital status, age, nationality or socioeconomic background.

Europlanet Diversity Committee

The Europlanet Diversity Committee acts as a strategic task force to advise, coordinate and champion activities across the Europlanet Society that further the Society’s commitment to equality, diversity and inclusivity.

  • Interim Chair: Arianna Piccialli (BIRA-IASB)
  • Vice-chair: Solmaz Adeli (DLR)
  • Secretary: Marina Molla

Regional Hub and Committee Diversity Officers:

  • Benelux Hub: Arianna Piccialli (BIRA-IASB)
  • Central Europe Hub: Anna Łosiak (University of Exeter)
  • French Hub: Lea Bonnefoy (Cornell)
  • Germany Hub: Open
  • Italy Hub: Federica Duras (INAF)
  • Ireland and UK Hub: Open
  • Northern Hub: Markus Ambrosch(Vilnius University)
  • Southeast Europe Hub: Marina Molla
  • Spain and Portugal Hub: João Faria (IA, Porto)
  • Switzerland Hub: Open
  • EPEC Representative: Open
  • Executive Board Representative: Ann Carine Vandaele


Europlanet 2024 RI logo


Europlanet supports evidence-based policy, informing policy makers on the scientific, industrial and socio-economic impacts of planetary science, at European and national level. Europlanet is also engaging with the planetary science community raising awareness of political developments and encourages its engagement with policy makers and industry across Europe.

Since 2010, Europlanet has had an active programme of engaging policy makers with the cutting-edge science and technological challenges of planetary science and exploration. We have organized one-to-one briefings, dinner debates and other events aimed at Members of the European Parliament, European Commission officials and key industry and policy groups.


Check out the Europlanet Society policy briefing sheets, the Science for Policy Handbook, and ESPAS (European Strategy and Policy Analysis System).


Europlanet Science Congress (EPSC)

Europlanet Science Congress (EPSC)

The Europlanet Science Congress (EPSC) is the major European meeting on planetary science.


EPSC 2025 will be held jointly with the American Astronomical Society’s Division of Planetary Sciences (DPS) in Helsinki, Finland.

The joint meeting, which will take place at Finlandia Hall in Helsinki, Finland, from 7-12 September 2025, is expected to attract an international audience of 1700+ participants.

Finlandia Hall, Helskinki, venue for the EPSC-DPS Joint Meeting 2025.
Finlandia Hall, Helskinki, venue for the EPSC-DPS Joint Meeting 2025. Credit: Daderot

Europlanet will offer bursaries to support early career scientists from Europe and participants from under-represented countries; details will be announced by the beginning of March, with the application process integrated into abstract submission for the EPSC-DPS2025 Meeting (deadline 07 May 2025).

About EPSC

The Europlanet Science Congress (EPSC) is the major European meeting on planetary science. Originally known as the European Planetary Science Congress, the first EPSC was held in Berlin in 2006. EPSC is the main dissemination platform for the European planetary science community and is the annual meeting of the Europlanet Society.  EPSC meetings cover the entire scope of planetary sciences and have a distinctively interactive style, with an extensive mix of talks, workshops and posters, intended to provide a stimulating environment for the community to meet.

More about EPSC.

List of past EPSC meetings.

EPSC Outstanding Poster Competition

The EPSC Outstanding Poster Competition (OPC) is an opportunity for early career researchers to have their work recognised at EPSC.

EPSC OPC 2024 Awardees

EPSC OPC Past Winners.

Future Meetings

  • EPSC-DPS 2025: Finlandia Hall, Helsinki, Finland, 7-12 September 2025
  • EPSC 2026 will be hosted for the first time in the Netherlands at the Amare venue in The Hague from 6-11 September 2026.
  • EPSC 2027 will be held at the Pierre Baudis Congress Centre in Toulouse, France, from 19-24 September 2027.

Outreach and Education at EPSC

The Europlanet Science Congress (EPSC) is an opportunity for sharing the latest developments in planetary science with communities hosting Europlanet’s annual meeting and around the world, as well as a platform for discussing tools, approaches, outcomes and innovations within the planetary outreach and education community.

Find out more about outreach and education activities at EPSC2024.

Policy and Industry

Europlanet 2024 RI logo

Europlanet Society Policy and Industry

For over a decade, Europlanet had actively engaged with both policy makers and Industry and Academia groups. We continue to leverage collaborations, synergies with experts and policy makers to engage them with the cutting-edge science and technological challenges of planetary science and exploration.

For more information about our Policy and Industry activities:

Italy Homeplate

The Europlanet Italy Regional Hub

The Europlanet Italy Regional Hub was established in October 2018 to promote planetary science and related fields for the benefit of the Italian and European community within Europlanet.

Italy is a partner of Europlanet, collaborating with many different activities and also hosting the Italy Regional Hub of Europlanet.

Find out more about Europlanet >>

Italy participates as a beneficiary of the Europlanet 2024 Research Infrastructure (RI) project (here the Italian webpage related to the project) with different institutions:
INAF (Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica)
Universita Degli Studi Gabriele D’annunzio di Chieti-Pescara
Università di Bologna
University of Padova

Members of the Committee of the Italy Hub:

  • Chair: Stavro Ivanovski (INAF- OATS)
  • Vice Chair: Alice Lucchetti (INAF-OAPD)
  • Advisor: Maria Cristina De Sanctis (INAF-IAPS)
  • Industry Officer: Vacant
  • Outreach Officers: Livia Giacomini (INAF) and Federica Duras (INAF)
  • Diversity Officer: Vacant
  • Early Career Officer: Giovanni Munaretto (INAF-OAPD)

Europlanet 2024 RI

Europlanet 2024 RI logo

About the Europlanet 2024 Research Infrastructure (RI)

The Europlanet 2024 Research Infrastructure (RI) provides free access to the world’s largest collection of planetary simulation and analysis facilities, data services and tools, a ground-based observational network and programme of community support activities.

The project is funded through the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 programme and runs for four years from February 2020 until January 2024. The Europlanet 2024 RI consortium is led by the University of Kent, UK, and has over 50 beneficiary institutions from 24 countries in Europe and around the world, with a further 44 affiliated partners. The project draws on the resources of the Europlanet Society to disseminate activities and outcomes and develop a more diverse community of users.

Europlanet 2024 RI provides:

  • Transnational Access to 24 laboratories in Europe and seven* field sites, as well as additional facilities in South Korea and China.
  • Virtual Access to services and tools.
  • Networking activities to support the community and provide rapid response observations to support planetary missions.

*Please note: Due to the situation in Ethiopia, the Danakil Depression is currently unavailable.

Europlanet 2024 RI Services:

View Project Deliverables

If you have recieved funding from Europlanet 2024 RI, please add the official acknowledgement below to each publication and dissemination activity: “Europlanet 2024 RI has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 871149.”

Europlanet Outreach & Education

Europlanet 2024 RI logo

Europlanet Outreach and Education

Objectives of Europlanet outreach and public engagement

The Europlanet Society’s outreach activities aim to raise the profile of planetary science amongst European citizens, policy-makers, industry and the media, and support planetary scientists in engaging different audiences with their research. The Europlanet 2024 Research Infrastructure (RI) project, and planetary science research in general, are funded through public money and are publicly accountable.

Why engage with planetary science?

Planetary science has a direct relevance to our understanding of our own planet, its origins, its past and future evolution, the conditions needed for life, and threats from our space environment, such as solar storms or Near-Earth Asteroids. Europlanet aims to engage European citizens in dialogue about this research and to communicate the scientific, social, economic and cultural impact of planetary science.

Exploration and planetary science can act as a hook to inspire the next generation to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics (STEAM). Europlanet aims to create and curate high-quality teaching resources and activities for use in classrooms and informal learning settings.

Educational Resources

Europlanet provides resources to support the use of planetary science to inspire and engage students and teachers with STEM.

Icy moons educational resources banner

Outreach Services

The Europlanet Society and Europlanet 2024 RI offer the following services to support outreach and education initiatives within the planetary science community:

  • Training: we run workshops to equip planetary scientists with the skills to convey their work effectively to different audiences and support members of the outreach community to develop their own training workshops to deliver via the Europlanet Regional Hub network.
  • Best practice: we coordinate sessions and workshops to share knowledge within the community. Our annual meeting, the Europlanet Science Congress (EPSC), includes several sessions related to different aspects of outreach and education in planetary science.
  • Prize: we award an annual prize for public engagement in planetary science.
  • Funding Scheme: we provide seed funding for new and innovative outreach projects.
  • Europlanet Evaluation Toolkit: we have developed easy-to-use evaluation tools to help assess the impact and outcomes of education and outreach activities.
  • Resources: we are collating some of the best outreach and education resources related to planetary science to share with the community. From 2020-2024 we are also developing new educational resources related to the activities of Europlanet 2024 RI and the planetary science community, with the aim of making these accessible in multiple languages.

Northern Europe Homeplate

The Europlanet Northern Europe Regional Hub

The Europlanet Northern Europe Regional Hub was established in 2019 to promote planetary science and related fields for the benefit of the Danish, Estonian, Finnish, Icelandic, Latvian, Lithuanian, Norwegian, Swedish and wider European community, within Europlanet.

The Europlanet Northern Hub (EPSC 2022, Granada, Spain) (Left to right): Stefanus Schroder (Sweden), Erika Kaufmann (Sweden), Maria Hieta (Finland), Maria Genzer (Finland), Harri Haukka (Finland, Chair), Grazina Tautvaisiene (Lithuania, Vice Chair ), Veikko Makela (Finland), Jonathan P. Merrison (Denmark, former Chair), Edita Stonkute (Lithuania), Heleri Ramler (Estonia), Stas Barabash (Sweden) and Yoshifumi Futaana (Sweden).

Committees and national representatives

Members of the Committee of the Northern Europe Hub are:

  • Chair: Harri Haukka (Finnish Meteorological Institute) –
  • Vice-Chair: Grazina Tautvaisiene (Vilnius University) –
  • Outreach Officer: TBD
  • Early Career Officer: Iaroslav Iakubivskyi (ESTCUBE)
  • Early Career Officer: Nils Prieur (University of Oslo)
  • Industry and Policy Officer: TBD (contact person: Harri Haukka)
  • Diversity Officer: Arnas Drazdauskas (Vilnius University)
  • Amateur Astronomy Officer: Veikko Makela (Ursa Astronomical Association)

National representatives to the Northern Hub;

Useful Links