22-EPN3-035: Survival of chondrites in humid climate (Germany & Europe)
Visit by Silke Merchel of University of Vienna (Austria) to TA2 Facility 16 – Carbon-14 Dating AMS Laboratory (Hungary).
Dates of visit: 03-09 June 2023.
Report Summary: The extraction of carbon from stony and iron meteorites for 14C/12C accelerator mass spectrometry was tested using a commercial LECO inductive furnace apparatus.
Extraction conditions and chemicals such as gases, fluxes (iron, titanium) were investigated for their influence on blank levels, cross-contamination and quantitative extraction. Further systematic investigations are still needed to find the ideal extraction conditions. Additionally, off-line, CO2 cleaning from SOx seems to be mandatory for reliable results. Test measurements with the gas ion source of the 50 kV LEA system, are promising to overcome “dead” carbon addition to carbon released from 50-100 mg meteorite.